University of Plymouth

As part of our commitment to access and participation we undertake a series of initiatives to raise aspirations and healthcare. Our Peninsula Pathways programme is aimed at students considering a career in medicine, dentistry, dental therapy & hygiene, and biomedical sciences. All our schemes and activities form part of Peninsula Pathways programme and is open to all students studying in the Southwest region. This programme is free of charge and students don’t have to feel obliged to say they are looking to study here at the University of Plymouth.



  • Students in Year 12 can register for the Peninsula Pathway workshops . Students in Year 12 registered on the Pathway programme (various workshops) are offered an automatic place on the relevant work experience programme if they have not attended in a previous year. The pathway workshops commence in Spring (usually starting with 4 weeks of UCAT practice sessions) and run until June with the final workshop being mock interviews in November/December (Year 13).



Students who do come from a disadvantaged background and have engaged in all three areas (e-Mentoring, work experience, minimum of 3 workshops) can use this ‘significant engagement’ if they wish for a lower offer here at Peninsula Medical and Peninsula Dental School (AAB as stated on the website). They can also use this ‘significant engagement’ for the Medicine Foundation programme and our new Dental Foundation programme (this commences in September 2023). The ‘significant engagement’ will need to be completed by the end of Year 12.

A student who is in Year 10 or 11 applying for the e-mentoring, and/or the work experience, can also tick the box on the application form to say they would like to continue onto the pathway workshops once they are in Year 12 (but this is not mandatory).