Year 7 Christmas Poetry


Kooth If your child is going through a difficult time or is struggling with how they’re feeling, it can be really scary and upsetting. But it’s good for them to know they’re not alone. Tell them about Kooth, a free, safe, and anonymous online wellbeing support...
Year 7 Christmas Poetry

End Of Term Mufti

End Of Term Mufti Monday 18th December: Selected students only This ‘House Mufti Day’ is for students in Tregantle house only. As a reward for winning the house food bank competition students in Tregantle house can wear mufti on Monday 18th. If students are unsure...
Year 7 Christmas Poetry

Ten Tors fundraising

Ten Tors fund raising A massive thank you to Nicky Blair, parent volunteer, who raised over £300 for the Ten Tors fund.  She organised a raffle with loads of wonderful prizes and then sold tickets at the fete at the Carbeile Inn.   Nicky and another parent volunteer...