Year 7 Christmas Poetry


Kooth If your child is going through a difficult time or is struggling with how they’re feeling, it can be really scary and upsetting. But it’s good for them to know they’re not alone. Tell them about Kooth, a free, safe, and anonymous online wellbeing support...
Year 7 Christmas Poetry

End Of Term Mufti

End Of Term Mufti Monday 18th December: Selected students only This ‘House Mufti Day’ is for students in Tregantle house only. As a reward for winning the house food bank competition students in Tregantle house can wear mufti on Monday 18th. If students are unsure...
Year 7 Christmas Poetry

Plymouth Citybus Delays

Plymouth Citybus Delays We have been advised by Plymouth Citybus that there are currently emergency road works at Stoke Village for National Grid. Works are likely to be ongoing until the weekend at the least. The temporary lights associated with this work are causing...